Chapel in the Pines | Smiths Ferry, Idaho
Chapel in the Pines | Smiths Ferry, Idaho
Richard Iddings (Pastor), Gracie Iddings (daughter), Karen Iddings (wife)

About Pastor Richard Iddings

Pastor Richard is the shepherd of CVB Church in Cascade, Idaho. He is a passionate teacher of God’s word, seeking to encourage people through the profound depths of God’s holiness, faithfulness, and love—attributes modeled in the gospel of Christ. He is a committed advocate for healthy marriage and family, a proponent of biblical manhood, and a champion for robust ecclesiology.

Richard is a voracious reader and a Master of Divinity student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is married to Karen and they have a daughter, Gracie. The Iddings family loves being outdoors—hiking, backpacking, camping, fishing—if it is outdoors, chances are good they enjoy the activity.